Fifth Element Camping
A home on the road when you want it


Honda Element Meetups, Gatherings, EXPO’s and more.

Events & Expos

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Beginning of the world Element meetup

  • Ft. Monroe Outlook Beach 348 Gullick Way Fort Monroe, VA 23651-1011 United States (map)

Event Hosted by Kuey Wong, Alana Polishuk Furrow and VA Elements

During my college days at THE Radford University, there was a big party on campus to celebrate the start of spring each year. It was called the Beginning of the World Party. In that same vein, let’s celebrate the beginning of spring and Element season by meeting and exploring Fort Monroe National Monument in Hampton, VA.

Tentative Details:
11:00 am – meet/greet in the parking lot behind Chili’s Grill and Bar
Meetup Address: 1066 W. Mercury Blvd, Hampton VA 23666

12:15 pm – Convoy to Fort Monroe
Address: 41 Bernard Rd, Fort Monroe VA 23651

Once we get on the grounds, we will drive into the fort. If I remember correctly, there are two entrances. Both entrances are one lane in and one lane out.

Once inside the fort, we will park. We will spend a couple of hours here. Bring your own lunch and have a picnic. Chill with fellow Element owners. Take group pics. Check out the historic buildings, walk along the top of the fort wall, visit the pet cemetery, visit the Casement Museum or you can just hang out by your Element. Additionally, there are a few attractions outside the fort. Venture out and check out the beach, walk along the boardwalk, drop a line at the fishing pier, visit the pergola where my wife and I got married at, a campground, a brewery, historic structures/buildings, a hotel and private homes. Spend the afternoon exploring as you like. If you're nearby but have other plans, stop by and say hi.

3:00 – Depart

3:00 – Optional, we will drive outside the fort and check out OozleFinch Beers and Brewing

Info about Fort Monroe National Monument -

Oozlefinch Beers & Brewing (food trucks onsite)
Address: 81 Patch Rd, Fort Monroe, VA
Website -

Camping inside the monument - The Colonies RV Travel Park (tent sites $30)