Recommended Websites
The EOC is the go to site for all things Element. If you own an Element, sign up here for the best DIY, maintenance and meet ups. While not as active as the Facebook Groups, this forum has many long time members and continues to bring in new members. Join the Forum and help keep this great site going.
The Outdoor Gear Builders of WNC are Western North Carolina-based companies collaborating to share talents, encourage new ideas and inspire each other. Fifth Element Camping is one of the 30+ members.
We are not going to provide a link here, but a list of Honda Element groups. New groups are added all the time so this is not a complete list, just one to get you started.
[Element MeetUps] [Element Owners] [Honda Element Classifieds] [Bring Back The Element] [Ecamper Owners Club] [Off-Road Elements] [Element Enthusiasts] [Honda Element Owners Group] [Animals in their Elements] [Honda Element Worldwide] [DirtE South Elements] [ELEment ELEphants] [Honda Elements] [Honda Element Taiwan]